29 May

Tilly Jones – A Story of Love

Tilly’s story is one of love.

The love of a nurturing family, the teaching skills of caring teachers, and sharing with others the fulfilling love of music which brings joy to the performer, the listener and the composer.

Tilly Jones - Musician
Photo by Patrick Boland

Each year, for the past eight years, Tilly has performed in our Lismore Eisteddfod. Mostly Tilly played piano, but as time went on it was cello and always an ‘own composition’. Through her diligent, persistent, persevering practise she has won many awards and received glowing reports from our highly qualified adjudicators. She won so many trophies one year that one of the ladies wanted to know did she have a lorry to carry them home.

Over these years Tilly has developed skills that are more than special. Living with cerebral palsy, ADHD and Aspergers, Tilly has brought out the ‘ability’ in that daunting word ‘disability’. and has overcome the ‘you can’t’ with ‘I will show you that I can!’

Tilly plays 5 instruments – violin, cello, clarinet, piano and guitar, but these days she prefers to play cello and to compose music.

The awareness of Tilly’s musical achievements have been widened through her involvement with a Screenworks documentary titled Tilly’s Symphony,

which was entered into the Cinema Touching Disability film festival.

The Festival Director invited Tilly to compose some music for the Festival opening and Tilly, accompanied by her Mum, was flown to Austin Texas USA, to attend.

Opportunity followed on from the same documentary, with the Australian Chamber Orchestra asking Tilly to compose three pieces for the ACO Move project, which resulted in a six month’s stay for Tilly in France.

Many wonderful musical opportunities await Tilly, including her continued involvement with the Australian Chamber Orchestra and Camera Obscura.

Tilly, may your involvement with the Flowers of War project, which is supported by the Australian War Memorial, the completion of your HSC, your future life and many future symphonies be blessed with every success.

Photography by Patrick Boland.